Clint Howie, Vice Chairman
Goal: Promote an affirmative and interactive membership program. Develop and maintain programs that generate sources of funding. Achieve effective and efficient internal Chamber operations.
Financial Development
- Balance budget and grow revenues
- Organize and host the Annual Civic Auction
- Generate non-revenue dues throughout the year with enhanced member listings, Terrell Cash ads and other sponsorship opportunities
- Maximize member contact and feedback
- Deliver "Over the Top" customer service
- Prepare and distribute the bi-monthly SPOTLIGHT to members
- Weekly e-newsletter to members with business promotions, news articles, job postings, events and more
- Co-host three or more after-hour mixers
- Monthly membership meetings
- Membership retention program
- Monthly Surprise Patrol visits
- Monthly breakfast networking events
- Quarterly Cash Mob
- Organize and host the Annual Chamber of Commerce Membership Meeting & Industry Recognition Luncheon - Banquet
- Recognize businesses in Terrell for their successes
- Utilize the website, social media and newsletter to promote the Chamber and our members
- Yearly Business Directory
- Weekly a Chamber Member is Spotlighted on Social Media
Members wishing to participate with the committee directing the Internal Operations Division should contact:
Clint Howie
Individual Membership
827 Griffith Ave. | Terrell, Texas 75160
Internal Operations Division Committee
Chuck Schmidt, Cruise Planners
Harold Wilson, Association of Breezy Hill Park
Maria Robertson, Ranger Title
Angie Cooper, Terrell Chamber of Commerce/CVB